"The Official Opening of New Building" - Copy of record presented on 24th September, 1937. (Presenter .... unknown )
"Prior to its establishment as a public school in 1878, Wee Waa was a provisional school from the time it was first opened in November, 1870.
Application for the school was made to the Council of Education in 1869, and a local school committee was formed comprising Messrs. John Doherty, G. Whitton, W. Walforce, J.S. Berrell and T.S. Dangar. There was a small private school operating in the township, but the nearest public school was about 25 miles away at that time.
The Council agreed to the school being established, but through delay for various reasons it did not come into operation until the date stated above.
The school was opened in a house rented from Mr. C. Smith, and the teacher was Mrs. Panton. The enrolment for that year was about 25.
The school was conducted in Mr. Smith's house until 1874. It was then transferred to a newly erected building. This cost 111 pounds, towards which the local residents contributed 70 pounds and the Council of Education 41 pounds.
In 1879 an area of 2 acres of land was granted by the Government for the purpose of a site for a permanent school building, as there was then every prospect of the town growing. When the provisional school was opened it was anticipated by some that Wee Waa would die out, but although there was some fluctuation in the population in succeeding years, the tendency was for the township to increase in size.
The building which has lately been replaced by a new building was erected in 1880 at a cost of between 500 pounds and 600 pounds. At that time the average attendance at the school had grown to about 80.
The building served the school right up to the present time, but in recent years the necessity for more modern accommodation became increasingly obvious. I visited the town in April, 1935, when accommodation requirements were placed before me by a committee representing the Parents and Citizens' Association, the Chamber of Commerce and the Country Women's Association. I could see then that the most satisfactory solution of the problem would be to provide an entirely new building to replace the existing relic of the early "eighties".
On my return to Sydney I gave instructions for plans to be prepared for a new building, but owing to certain unavoidable reasons, one of the principal being the shortage of funds, it was not until this year that it became possible to proceed with the erection of the building.
Tenders were invited in March this year and that of Mr. A Mills was accepted. The work has now been completed and comprises the following :
Wee Waa is a 5th class school with an enrolment of 150. The headmaster is Mr. W.C. Reeves and there are three assistant teachers on the staff.